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Upfitting Your Vehicle Fleet and Why It Matters

December 13, 2021

Upfitting Your Vehicle Fleet and Why It Matters

Upfitting Your Vehicle Fleet and Why It Matters

In many cases, the default is good enough. Forget bespoke clothing—most of us are content to dress off the rack. Many of us order our fast-food hamburgers with everything. And from behind the wheels of our cars and trucks, most of us are fine with whatever is the factory standard.

What do we do when the factory standard isn’t enough, though? If you oversee a fleet of trucks that requires specialization for the tasks at hand, you can embark on a series of modifications that we refer to as upfitting. Distinct from an upgrade, an upfit requires industry-specific parts and accessories that prepare a vehicle for specialized work. We’ll take you through some aspects of upfitting your vehicle fleet and why it matters to make those changes.

Common Upfitting Parts

What does upfitting tend to look like? It all depends on the job. Utility companies upfit commercial vehicles to include ladders, cranes, and other implements for reaching the high places where lineworkers must do their jobs. Upfitting can even take on a 21st-century tone with office-oriented modifications to trucks and vans for skilled trade workers. Transporting lumber, heavy equipment, or other unwieldy cargo can call for a specially designed flatbed to accommodate their dimensions. When your trucks and jobs call for extremely generous bed capacity, our Extendobed can help. It can offer firefighters, law enforcement, and other working professionals unmatched versatility for carrying cargo and quickly accessing it multiple times throughout the day.

Why Does Upfitting Matter?

A factory-issue pickup truck is a jack of all trades. That, of course, makes it a master of none. That’s fine for weekend warriors and helpful neighbors. At a professional level, though, working vehicles require specialization. Upfitting doesn’t just make the job easier for the workers who need to complete their tasks. This investment in the tools of the trade confers a sense of professionalism to your business. An HVAC technician who pulls up in a van outfitted for specialized tasks inspires more confidence than one who shows up in a white Econoline that may as well have rolled off a used lot that morning. Being able to do the job more easily means more satisfied workers. And in a seller’s labor market, satisfied workers are more valuable than ever.

Upfit Your Trucks With an Extendobed

Upfitting your vehicle fleet and why it matters is highly relevant to fleet managers. When it comes to versatile upfits, few things matter more than the Extendobed. Our custom truck storage boxes boast over 110-percent extension – extension past the taillights™, up to 3,000 lbs. capacity, and durability that’ll last over 20 years. Contact us today to start upfitting your truck fleet.


The Best Ways To Reduce Injuries on the Job Site

December 07, 2021

The Best Ways To Reduce Injuries on the Job Site

The Best Ways To Reduce Injuries on the Job Site

From improving morale to meeting legal obligations, there are dozens of reasons why every workplace should increase safety and lower worker injuries. That’s why it’s in everyone’s best interest to know the best ways to reduce injuries on the job site and put them into practice. This article will lay out some of the top practices for worker safety today.

Equipment: Efficient and Safe

Everyone understands your equipment has huge sway over the efficiency of your workers, no matter the job. But it also impacts the safety of your employees. When you’re upgrading or investing in your equipment, you shouldn’t just focus on productivity. You should aim for equipment that also bolsters safety because keeping your workers safe boosts their performance and reduces costs. Things like custom truck bed storage that increase worker capabilities and help workers unload items safely are prime examples.

Preventative Maintenance

One major step in protecting your employees is performing regular maintenance before it’s necessary. Lots of workplace injuries are preventable if people catch and fix the issues early. Preventative maintenance focuses on this idea by running frequent inspections and following repair schedules.

Training Sessions

Another one of the best ways to reduce injuries on the job site is to have training sessions that employees and managers take to learn more about safety. Finding out the proper and safest technique for any job is important for both efficiency and safety. Training sessions teach this information and encourage communication between workers as they take these classes together, lessening confusion and raising morale.

A Safety-First Mindset

One leading contributor to unsafe practices at work is a productivity-before-all-else mindset that permeates a workforce. When workers only worry about results, they make mistakes and rush through safety precautions. They can also tend to combining steps and procedures, which is a common cause of workplace injuries. Focus on changing your workplace into one that focuses on safety and worker health before results, and you’ll see a massive decrease in injuries.

These are the best steps you can take while reducing the risk of injuries to your workers. By changing your practices and ideologies, you can keep your workers safe and even boost performance because of it.


The Gear Inside an Emergency Response Vehicle

November 24, 2021

The Gear Inside an Emergency Response Vehicle

The Gear Inside an Emergency Response Vehicle

Three major emergency response vehicle types are typically used across America: police vehicles, fire apparatus, and medical response vehicles. Although they carry similar supplies, there’s a lot of unique gear each type of vehicle must carry. Here’s a basic list of the gear inside an emergency response vehicle, minus the gear you’ll need for police vehicles, as we covered that topic recently.

Every Response Vehicle

Although response vehicles specialize in dealing with certain situations, there are plenty of tools they use across the board. Here’s a short list describing the typical gear response vehicles need.

  • Emergency Response Kits: These kits range from first aid kits to repair kits to specialty kits for each car. These kits are very useful in any emergency response vehicle, as they help responders deal with the most common situations they’ll face until the proper response team arrives.
  • High Visibility Jackets: High visibility jackets can make a huge difference during times of low visibility. Responders can wear these so anyone nearby can see them and react to their presence appropriately. Responders most often use these near roads, putting them on so drivers can see them and navigate around them.
  • Road Blockers: Oftentimes, responders can’t perfectly control an area and need space for their work. Road blockers help control traffic flow and enforce the safety of responders and individuals in the situation.
  • Flares: Light sources aren’t always available in dire situations, which is why flares can be so useful. They provide a lot of light and can mark areas very easily, making them useful for responders in various situations.
  • Tool Kit: In addition to an emergency response kit, every vehicle should carry a tool kit. Responders will encounter a wide variety of situations that require various tools. A tool kit will help resolve many common problems quickly.

These are the major pieces of gear that every response vehicle should always carry. This gear and the specialized equipment each type of vehicle brings along helps responders address any emergencies they might encounter.

Extra Storage

You might notice this is already a lot of gear, and it doesn’t even include the specialty equipment each responder type will need. Storing all the gear inside an emergency response vehicle, and then being able to quickly retrieve it, isn’t easy—in fact, it’s almost impossible without the aid of additional storage solutions. That’s why many response vehicles use aftermarket modifications, like the firefighter’s pull-out truck bed storage. This helps responders carry and quickly unload their gear with less risk to themselves.

Fire Apparatus

Fire apparatus are constantly mobilizing for various emergencies, arriving at the tamest to the most dangerous situations. They must carry a huge variety of gear for the different situations to which they respond. However, their main focus is fire suppression, which requires a lot of equipment that other vehicles don’t need. As the main job of a fire apparatus is controlling the spread of fires that may occur at any location, most of the equipment is for dealing with fires. From protective gear that helps firefighters approach a dangerous situation to the gear that helps suppress the fire, each fire apparatus carries it all wherever people need it. Here’s a deeper look into the tools and gear that fire apparatus carry.

Hoses, Foam, and Nozzles

The main equipment a fire apparatus carries is its tools for fire suppression: the hose and nozzles that shoot water and chemical fire suppressants. This can take up a lot of space in a vehicle and is why so many fire apparatus are so large. They carry tanks full of water and chemicals, plus the equipment for pumping it through the hoses.

SCBA Equipment

Another piece of gear that’s vital for a fire apparatus is the SCBA or self-contained breathing apparatus equipment. This gear helps professionals see and breathe in places with heavy smoke and fire, making it a vital part of any firefighter’s gear.

Protective Clothing

Just as the SCBA equipment helps with breathing near fire and smoke, protective clothing is necessary for firefighters in the same situations. These layers of clothing help protect firefighters from the heat and offer some padding, so having it readily available is important for success. In addition, many departments are requiring separate and sealed storage of protective clothing after an incident since there may have been toxic chemicals involved. This requires storage space as well.


There are dozens of other individual items that are useful for firefighters, so many vehicles carry them. Radios, hand lights, axes, ropes, and roof hooks are all items that every fire apparatus carries, and firefighters often use these in emergencies.

Ambulance/Medical Response Vehicle

Medical response vehicles are full of specialized gear with the sole purpose of saving lives, which is why they maximize their space utilization with medical devices and equipment. For a better understanding of what goes into a medical response vehicle, here’s a brief look at the gear you might find in an ambulance.

Medical Equipment

Each ambulance carries the equipment that best preserves life while on the move. Things like bandages and splints are very common equipment you’ll find in a medical response vehicle.

Medicine: Drugs and Fluids

Similarly, a lot of medical emergencies require medical drugs for stabilization and treatment. Things like sedatives and EpiPens are very common in ambulances, with whole cabinets dedicated to carrying emergency medicine. They also frequently carry intravenous fluids so people can get the liquids they need during transportation.

Medical Devices

Another category of gear ambulances carry includes medical devices that measure vitals and help stabilize people. This includes cardiac monitors, oxygen masks, and oxygen, which help professionals keep people alive during transport to the hospital.


Medical emergency response vehicles also need an array of tools many other response vehicles may or may not carry. Things like blankets, needles and scissors are vital tools for a response vehicle. Stretchers for carrying patients by foot may also be needed.

This list is only the general categories of items and equipment that you’ll find inside an emergency response vehicle. Each type of vehicle requires vastly different gear for different jobs, which is why the layout and size of each type of emergency response vehicle are so different. However, getting all the gear inside, and then being able to quickly access it and store it again is possible with proper planning, knowledge, and good storage solutions.

The Gear Inside an Emergency Response Vehicle

What Equipment Does a K9 Officer Use

November 24, 2021

What Equipment Does a K9 Officer Use

What Equipment Does a K9 Officer Use

K9 officers have similar jobs to other police officers, but they differ because of the large animals they take with them to every job. These large furry friends help officers uncover vital information and arrest wrongdoers. However, a K9 unit requires a lot more than just a specially trained dog. There’s a lot of equipment and gear you’ll need for the K9. In this article, we’ll go over the equipment a K9 officer uses for their partner.

Animal Transport

The biggest pieces of equipment that a K9 officer and dog team use is gear that helps with the transportation of the dog. A great example of this would include the giant cages you can find in the vehicle of any K9 officer. This helps keep everyone safe while the officer brings the dog from location to location.

Officer Protection

Although these K9 dogs receive extensive training before they join a team, there’s always a chance that the dog will need more training. In such instances, the training officer will wear equipment that’s comprised of a bite suit with full sleeves. This gear helps train police dogs without risking injuries on the people training them.

Harness and Leash

Even with all their training, police dogs still need leashes and harnesses that enable their partners to control them better. The harnesses can be very useful for the partners, as they can hold various first responders’ kits that may save lives when on the job.

Normal Police Equipment

All this specialty gear doesn’t include the regular items a dog might need or all the typical equipment already inside a police vehicle. Optimizing the space inside the vehicle is a top priority for K9 groups because of the additional equipment they carry. That’s why a lot of police departments use aftermarket modifications, like the slide-out truck bed storage, that help with organizing and maximizing the space in their vehicles.

This list should help you understand the equipment K9 units use for their job. Most of the equipment is for the protection of the dogs and people around them, making every piece of equipment extremely important for the job.


What Kind of Tools Does a Road Crew Use?

November 11, 2021

What Kind of Tools Does a Road Crew Use?

What Kind of Tools Does a Road Crew Use?

Road crews run some of the most vital construction jobs in the country, as road repair and creation are necessary for the county’s growth. The better roads a nation has, the better the nation fares. That’s why anyone looking into road services should learn what kind of tools road crews use.

Individual Tools

Road crews use lots of heavy equipment, but each member also uses personal tools that help them complete their work. Below are the basic tools used by road crew members.


Although this tool is most popular for its agricultural uses, it’s also very good for road construction. Workers can use hoes for the excavation of debris or use them to spread asphalt. Every road worker should carry one.


Shovels are very useful for minor excavation and cleanup. Workers can easily clear areas with shovels. They also double as landscaping tools; workers can use them to manage the smoothness and health of an area.


Another popular tool for road crews is wheelbarrows, as loading and carrying debris would be very difficult without them. Wheelbarrows give workers a way to carry all the debris around without exhausting themselves. Plus, they’re useful for carrying heavier equipment.


Sometimes road work requires breaking heavy asphalt, and no better tool exists for that job than pickaxes. Although heavy equipment is usually used for this job, if small pieces need to get broken, workers will use pickaxes to get it done.

Heavy Equipment

Other than valuable personal equipment, heavy equipment is indispensable when roads need to get worked on. The job would be much more difficult, if not impossible, without them. This equipment can move tons of materials and repave roads much quicker than individual people. Heavy equipment includes tools such as excavators, dump trucks, pavers, and rollers.

If you’ve ever wondered what kind of tools road crews use, here is your answer. However, carrying all these tools isn’t easy and your truck probably doesn’t have enough space. That’s why a lot of road crews use a truck trunk organizer for space optimizations to help with storage.


Must-Have Additions To Any Service Truck or Van

September 08, 2021

Must-Have Additions To Any Service Truck or Van

Must-Have Additions To Any Service Truck or Van

Your service truck holds all your equipment and the materials you need to solve any problems you have on the job. However, a truck can do more than just carry your equipment. Here are some Must-have additions to any service truck or van that can make your job quicker, safer, and easier.

Storage Additions

One of the biggest changes you can make for your service truck is adding in extra storage. Storage is important for a truck or van and adding more is extremely helpful. You’ll be able to carry all the tools and equipment you need. Adding in a new tool cabinet or under-seat storage can drastically change the usefulness of your truck.

Storage Organizers

Another option for increasing your effective storage space is to invest in storage organizers. These additional modifications don’t add extra storage space, but let you organize your equipment to efficiently store all of it within the space you already have. Some of them help speed up your loading process, making it faster and safer than before. A good space organizer—such as the vehicle slide-out trays from Extendobed—can help you double your current storage capacity.


Another modification that can really help service vehicles is additional lighting on the inside and outside of the truck. The style of lighting you need and where it illuminates changes depending on your job. Follow local lighting laws—some states prohibit the attachment of certain lighting systems on any vehicle to prevent accidents.


Although you already have a set of wheels, changing to a specialized set can improve your vehicle’s gas consumption and handling in certain environments. The type of wheel that’ll help you the most depends on your job and where you’ll be driving. For example, a set of all-terrain wheels can be very useful on a construction site where workers must deal with uneven roads.

These must-have additions to any service truck or van are going to improve your vehicle and efficiency, but there are other modifications that can help as well. You know what’s best for your situation and vehicle, so it’s worth looking into other options that may help your productivity.


What Kind of Gear Is Inside a Police Car

August 31, 2021

What Kind of Gear Is Inside a Police Car

What Kind of Gear Is Inside a Police Car

Police handle and respond to dozens of emergency situations every day. Working with such a wide variety of high-pressure situations calls for a lot of equipment, all of which must fit inside their police car. There are policies on what kind of gear is inside a police car. The list isn’t all-inclusive and can vary a bit from state to state. However, this article covers a general list of what police need in their cars.

Emergency Response Kits

Every police car or truck carries a host of items and kits that help police respond and react to any situation. Some common kits in a police car include a first aid kit for any injuries, a WMD kit, and a Biohazard kit. These kits are vital for police as they respond to dangerous situations.

Other Tools

Police need more tools than what’s inside response kits—they also need things like blankets, bolt cutters, and firearms, all of which help them do their jobs efficiently. Blankets can help calm citizens in shock, for example, and firearms can be used to defend innocents or stop criminals.

Evidence Kits

Outside of resolving emergencies, outdoor police work relates to evidence collection. This means police need equipment to find and collect evidence without destroying it. The most common way that police accomplish this is using evidence kits, which are kept inside their cars.


Another piece of gear every police car holds is markers (not the kind you use on a whiteboard, though.) Police often need to section off areas to perform their duties, which means they use markers to indicate where people can and can’t go. Crime tape and flares are in every police car for this exact purpose.

Traffic Enforcement

Some police vehicles carry specialized equipment for specific duties. For example. There are trucks that carry scales, cones, gates, fencing, pylons and other equipment designed specifically for traffic enforcement.

Having enough room inside a police car for gear storage is important, especially now that you know what kind of gear it is. Because space is so valuable,a lot of police vehicles use aftermarket modifications—such as slide-out truck bed storage—to increase the room available to them. This helps police optimize all the space in the trunk and enables faster unloading and loading times for equipment. Police often use these modifications because they don’t have enough room in their cars otherwise.


What Equipment Does a Survey Crew Require

August 25, 2021

What Equipment Does a Survey Crew Require

What Equipment Does a Survey Crew Require

Land surveying isn’t a simple job—it requires tons of precise equipment and a lot of knowledge to properly handle and measure everything. You carry around so much equipment that regular trucks and vans usually can’t handle it all. To help you understand what equipment a survey crew requires, just read this list.

Record-Keeping Equipment

There isn’t a standard way that people choose to keep their findings, but you’ll need to invest in some method to record everything your team measures in the field. Plenty of people use paper and clipboards, but you can also use electronic devices if you want.

Personal Protective Equipment

Although most of the equipment that survey crews use is light, there’s still a chance for injury on the job—if not from the equipment, then from the environment. A good business will provide protective gear to its employees to reduce the risk of injury on the job. Things like gloves or safety jackets can save the life and body of a survey crew member.

Saw or Axe

Working outside in nature means that you’ll never have optimal working conditions. Trees and plants will obstruct your paths, and you’ll need to move them to perform a good job. Providing saws or axes to clear out small areas for equipment and pathways can make an impossible job very easy.

Measuring Tool

One of the most basic tools a survey crew needs is a measuring tool. Your crew will often need to precisely measure large distances between two or points. There’re a variety of tools that you can use to accomplish this task, like laser measures or tape measures. It’s really up to you how much you want to spend, and which type of tool makes the most sense for your company and crew.


The theodolite is an essential piece of equipment for any survey team, as it helps measure angles across vast distances. A team member can use the telescope on the theodolite to measure precise angles and easily record the results. This will help with basic surveying and makes every other step easier.


Traveling around in places you don’t know can often cause you to lose your bearing. This is a major issue for land surveying. Luckily, a good compass can help your crew know exactly where they are and what direction they’re facing. You can also use a compass to measure distance if your other methods aren’t working.


This is a tool that people use to measure slopes and inclines, which is very important for land surveying. It accurately measures the angle and degree that a slope climbs and is something that every land surveying crew needs to accurately measure the surrounding area.


Levels are tools that measure the flatness of something or the flatness of two points to see if they’re even. Levels are useful for determining if there’s a difference in height between two points and will tell you if a surface is flat. There’s a variety of different styles of levels, as some are digital and others are manual, but they all essentially measure the same thing.

Metal Detectors and Magnetic Locators

During land surveillance, it becomes beneficial to use magnetic locators to find any metals in the ground. This is important as piping or metal structures can greatly change how people need to approach the area. Metal detectors are the best tools for finding any hidden or buried infrastructure.


Another tool that every surveyor team needs is a set of poles. The poles have universal uses in surveying, as they can solve a lot of problems, but they typically serve as markers or equipment stands. A lot of the equipment needs poles for steady and accurate readings.


Prism systems are reflectors that sit at the end of poles to help reflect lights. By themselves, they serve little purpose, but they help reflect light back at electronic distance measurement instruments (EDM). This lets you set up a pole and measure the distance from that pole to anywhere you can see accurately.

EDM Instruments

These are tools that can measure extreme distances very easily with the use of Prisms and poles. It does this by using electromagnetic waves to send and receive information about the distance between two spaces. This helps you build blueprints and survey land very quickly.

Tripods and Mounts

Like poles in some ways, tripods and mounts are very useful for accurate and consistent measurements. Holding an EDM or level when taking measurements can cause a lot of problems. Tripods and mounts prevent this by holding all the equipment for your crew as they operate the machinery. Without good tripods, all your data would be incomplete or inaccurate.


Working outside can get a bit confusing, especially when you’re working in new areas so often. Investing in good markers that don’t blow away so you can get an accurate lay of the land can really save the day and make the job easy. You’ll want a variety of markers so you can easily identify what you’re marking at just a glance.


It might seem a bit silly, but a good survey team will use a GPS to help them with the lay of the land. At the very least, it’ll help the team get to the place they need to be. A GPS also helps get rough estimates and can help you organize across the whole crew. Investing in a good GPS will only speed up the surveying process.

Combined Tools

One thing you might notice if you’re searching for surveying equipment is a lot of tools combine this equipment. A good GPS might include a digital or manual compass, or a theodolite might include a clinometer in its design. This is a good thing, as it’ll save you space when storing all this equipment in a truck or van. You’ll likely find it difficult to store all this equipment in a single van, so the extra space you save from these multi-tools is very useful. You can also invest in a good truck storage organizer, which can make it easy to carry and unload everything.

This list is the answer to the question, “What equipment does a survey crew require?” This list isn’t exhaustive, but you should know the basics of what a team might need to run a full survey job.

What Equipment Does a Survey Crew Require


How To Organize Emergency Equipment on a Fire Vehicle

August 24, 2021

How To Organize Emergency Equipment on a Fire Vehicle

How To Organize Emergency Equipment on a Fire Vehicle

Speed is vital when fighting a fire, as the slower you deal with a fire, the harder it’ll be to stop. Every second can cost someone their life, and that’s why proper organization of your equipment is so important. To help you organize your equipment, try using this guide on how to organize emergency equipment on a fire vehicle.

Clear Out Everything

Every good organization job starts with cleaning out the whole space of any equipment. You should start with a clean slate so you can utilize the full space. It’s best to deep clean the whole vehicle, so you can get rid of any trash and waste as little space as possible.

Get Everything Together

Once you have everything out, list and record all the equipment you need to store. This will help you organize and plan for everything you need on the vehicle. Make sure you account for everything on your list, so you don’t miss anything vital.

Load Into the Vehicle

Loading the equipment is the hard part, as you need to optimize your space usage and store things according to how much you use them. When possible, load heavy items on the bottom, as this will limit sliding. You should store any equipment or tools in easy-to-access places near the entrances to the vehicle, as this will speed up your unloading process. Make sure that you dedicate spaces to everything you carry, so you always know where everything is when you need it.

Storage Space Modifications

There’s only so much efficiency you can get with a stock vehicle. If you really want to optimize your emergency equipment storage, you should invest in storage space organizers. Some heavy-duty drawer slides for trucks or heavy-duty tool racks can help you efficiently store equipment and utilize room that you couldn’t use before. A good slide-out can help you access equipment with ease while speeding up the process and lowering the risk of injury from carrying equipment.

It’s impossible to overstate how important it is to know how to organize emergency equipment on a fire vehicle. Taking the time to carefully plan and test different configurations and optimizing your setup is vital for dealing with emergency situations. Be sure that you’re careful with whatever setup you try, and plan to have speedy and safe access to all equipment.


Getting Organized at Work: Start With Your Truck

August 17, 2021

Getting Organized at Work: Start With Your Truck

Getting Organized at Work: Start With Your Truck

If you’re looking to increase your productivity at your workplace, you’ll find the best results by organizing. Proper organization of your work area can enable you to perform tasks optimally. When getting organized at work, start with your truck. This will help you quickly handle jobs and any equipment you have.

Empty the Truck

The first step to organizing anything is to empty and clear out the space in question. This isn’t any different with your truck. Remove everything you can, leaving its bed bare of any equipment or things you need to carry.

Prioritize Essentials and Heavy Items

When you’re starting to decide where items go, it’s best to put in the tools you use the most and the heaviest objects first. This way, you can ensure that you have everything you need and that your truck is stable while you drive.

Dedicate Spots

You should look to dedicate a spot for everything you have. If you set apart sections for specific items, you’ll consistently have places to put those items. This will help you ensure that you always have your essentials.

Think About Convenience

It’s wise to store things based on how often you use them. Tools or objects you need frequently should be the easiest to access. Store them in places that you can reach quickly. Placing equipment on the door or near the entrances of the truck will make it simple to take them out when you need them.

Use Storage Space Organizers

Another option for organizing your vehicle is to use storage space organizers. These are aftermarket modifications that can help you utilize the space your vehicle already has more effectively. Things like a truck storage organizer or a tool board can help you store all your items. Mounting these on a telescoping or sliding deck will further improve quick and safe access to them. The modifications allow you to utilize your vehicle’s storage space to its fullest.

Now you can see why you should start with your truck when getting organized at work. With this guide, you can arrange your truck to handle whatever equipment or gear you have and access it quickly and safely.
